Part-time Jobs

Project Justifications The Digital Risk & Information Security department has requested to replace the existing part-time system because of many security issues found in the system. The source code of the existing system is not available, and hence the discovered issues can not be fixed. The system could not also be updated to implement the new processes and regulations of the student part-time work that have been changed in the last few years. The system is used as it is since 2001! For these reasons, ICTC has started a development project to replace the existing old part-time system with a new modern one that meets all the security requirements of the information security department. In addition, the new system will automate several processes that are currently performed in a traditional manual way. Moreover, the new system will add many new features that will enhance the experience of all the stakeholders of the system. This will simplify the management of more than 200 position titles filled by more than 500 students each semester.